2GIG-STZ-1 2GIG Z-Wave Plus 700-series Programmable Thermostat. Message or visit our website. We are an Authorized Alarm DC, Honeywell Home, Resideo, AlarmNet, Ecolink, DSC, Telguard, SecureNet, Uplink, Alula & 2GIG Security Dealer. Not closeouts or old stock. The 2GIG-STZ-1 2GIG Z-Wave Plus 700-series Programmable Thermostat allows you to Manage your comfort at home or wherever you are. As the second-most added home automation product, you want a highly reliable, affordable smart thermostat in your bag. Packed with the latest features and technologies, 2GIG Smart Z-Wave Plus Thermostat (2GIG-STZ-1) gives your customers the utmost in comfort, control and convenience. Homeowners also get a way to manage and lower heating and cooling costs anytime, anywhere – a powerful customer sales motivator helping you expand your customer base. As a dealer, you will appreciate its compatibility with most Z-Wave hubs and most conventional HVAC systems. 700-series Z-Wave Plus support – Longer range wireless capability. Humidity sensing and control. Can be powered by an HVAC system’s 24VAC “C” wire.